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Adios A Leonor (Adios A Leonor) is a poem written by the Philippine nationa hero, Jose Rizal. It is an octave type of poetry written before his departure for Europe in 1882. This poem is dedicated to one of his most beloved yet most famous women, Leonor Rivera, the lady to whom he was engaged to be married.



Adios A Leonor

Ya Illegó, pues, aquel fatal instante

triste destino de mi suete impía;

Ilegó ya, en fin, aquel momento y día

en que me voy a separar de ti.


Adíos, Leonor, que me despido,

mi corazón amante te lo dejo;

adiós Leonor, que ya de aquí me alejo,

¡oh, ausencia triste! ¡ay, que dolor!



Goodbye to Leonor


The fatal instant now has come,

My bad luck’s dismal destiny;

That moment and day at last are here,

When I am going to part from thee.


Goodbye, Leonor, goodbye, for I’ll leave,

I leave to thee, my loving heart;

Goodbye, Leonor, now from here I go,

Oh, absence sad, ah, how it does hurt!



Paalam kay Leonor


Dumating na rin nga yaong malinggatong na sandal,

ng malungkot na daratnin ng palad kong sawing-sawi,

sa hulí nga’y dumating din ang sandali ng pighati

na ako ay aalis na’t mawawalay sa minithi.

Adios A Leonor

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