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Mi Primera Inspiracion


Mi Primera Inspiracion

Jose Rizal


¿Porqué exhalan a porfía

del cáliz dulces olores

las embalsamadas flores

en este festivo dia?


Y ¿porqué, en la selva amena,

se oye dulce melodía

que asemeja la armonía

de la arpada filomena?


¿Porqué en la mullida grama

las aves, al son del viento,

exhalan meloso acento

y saltan de rama en rama?


Y la fuente cristalina,

formando dulce murmullo,

del cefiro al suave arrullo

entre las flores camina?


Es que hoy celebran tu día

¡oh, mi Madre cariñosa!

con su perfume la rosa

y el ave con su armonía.


Y la fuente rumorosa,

en este día feliz,

con su murmullo te dice

¡que vivas siempre gozosa!


Y, de esa fuente al rumor,

oye la primera nota,

que ahora de mi laud brota

al impulso de mi amor!

My First Inspiration

An English translation by Nick Joaquin  


Why falls so rich a spray

of fragrance from the bowers

of the balmy flowers

upon this festive day?


Why from woods and vales

do we hear sweet measures ringing

that seem to be the singing

of a choir of nightingales?


Why in the grass below

do birds start at the wind's noises,

unleashing their honeyed voices

as they hop from bough to bough?


Why should the spring that glows

its crystalline murmur be tuning

to the zephyr's mellow crooning

as among the flowers it flows?


Why seems to me more endearing,

more fair than on other days,

the dawn's enchanting face

among red clouds appearing?


The reason, dear mother, is

they feast your day of bloom:

the rose with its perfume,

the bird with its harmonies.


And the spring that rings with laughter

upon this joyful day

with its murmur seems to say:

"Live happily ever after!"


And from that spring in the grove

now turn to hear the first note

that from my lute I emote

to the impulse of my love!

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